Corporate Workshops & Discussions
Educating employees about hearing-loss inclusion
Is it time to build your deaf awareness?
I host online webinars and presentations and facilitate small group workshops, ideal for leadership teams looking to kick-start positive inclusion discussions.
Online webinars & talks
Facilitating small group workshops
What you can do to make the biggest difference to people with hearing loss?
Throughout my school life, I was bullied for my speech impediment and my deaf brother left out of school social circles because he was ‘different’. Flashpoints of ignorance pervade my memory, were injurious to my confidence and hindered my ability to fully integrate with my classmates. With the right education among schools and organisations that support deaf children, this would never have happened.
We have a responsibility to break down the barriers that hold deaf children back
I have learned that it’s often the simplest and easiest things that make the biggest difference. From sharing stories to learning top tips for deaf awareness, to supporting a work colleague with reasonable adjustments, knowing what’s available and where to go for it is often the biggest barrier.
Better deaf awareness is needed to provide hearing-impaired young people with the invaluable support they need to fulfil their dreams.